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Cafe Neko

Dogs are not allowed

I found Cafe Neko by chance, going to this weird ice-cream "Lepantos", where Beetroot Sorbet and Pepper-Caramel are served.
If you are fan of ice-cream and looking for "concept" ice - this place in Balgasse (behind the St Stephan Cathedral) is for you.
I mentioned an interesting business lable on the building near - it was a sleeping cat. I took photos I begun to have an interest about what is going inside.


Cafe Neko is the cat cafe, where you can have drinks while playing with cats. Yea, you got it right, it's place where cats allowed and welcome, but no dogs. There are few permanent citizen -cats (clean, healthy and happy) and transparent kitchinetta - you can see the cooking lady behind. In fact, except for coffee and cake there is nothing special to eat, but prices bite - so the main attraction is the cats.


Posted by vanessa 18:39 Archived in Austria Tagged cat cafe

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