and walk through 18th district
26.08.2012 20 °C
Today we met Konstantin, bitten by a wasp, and with his GF Alex.
We knew about Alex for ages, and even staid once in her one-room apartment in the old University building, but never met personally. So, today it finally happen. The cute and spicy student-girl ("Crazy Paprica") grew up into the sharp lady with good manners, a successful lawer and a faithful companion of K.
K is still loaded with his business, bicycle rides and philosophical ideas. Alex, being more practical - as the most ladies are, cares for all the rest: house and socialising, family relations, all types of bureaucracy that have to be managed and the rest of tasks and activities on all levels of their life. Being a part of University society - type of like the Knights, I believe, K has privileges and rights and for sure also the duties. It made possible his prolonged stay in University Campus - really amazing and old (18th cent?) building, the same one where we staid in "Paprica"'s apartment in winter 2002. Now the building need the serious renovation - it begun to crumble into pieces and became not safe to live in, K&A were forced to move, and they moved into nice rented apartment in 18th district.
Replying on our compliments about bright and cozy apartment, they said in one voice: "Yes, it's very green area and nice place to live, but THE MOST IMPORTANT - it's 15 mins to the forest".
"To which forest?" - I re-asked, taken aback.
"To Wienna Wald" - they nodded in unison.
"Aha, I see..." - I said. I could hardly resist the silly comments alike "Did you switch into foresters or woodcutters?"
But they sound very serious and happy about the good choice they did, so I didn't spoil the happy moment.
Except of difficulties with business and the arm swollen from the bite, they make impression of happy people. They are cycling a lot, manage healthy lifestyle and both look good. I wanted to take a photo of them, but hesitated to ask for it - K said he really feels sick. We greeted him to feel well soon and left.
When we were in the place of K&A, the rain sropped, so we could to walk a bit. The photos are below.
If you ever come to Vienna and are interested in Art Nouveau railway architecture, you should take a ride along one of the most interesting urban railways - the remnants of Otto Wagner's Stadtbahn, built in 1893-1901. All that you need do - to take a day-ticket and grab your camera.
Posted by vanessa 20:59 Archived in Austria Tagged vienna alex district konstantin paprica 18th_district
I love that parenthesis of photos all along your blogs, something like " use your imagination" :-D
by danabby