Doors and windows - collection of 2012
My treasures
This window with a bear is my favorite of Vienna 2012.
1st district
It's hard to believe that I can find something "new" in the 1st district, but at fact I do!
Walking through 18th and 9th districts
These districts are lying nearby. It sounds a bit confusing until you see the map of districts of Vienna and understand its logic. 23 districts of Vienna spiral out from the city center (1st district) in a clockwise manner. You can find the very clean explanation here.
The 9th district, that lies inside the ring, I know better. 18th district - Währing, lies in on the edge of the Vienna Woods. Währing is known today as one of Vienna’s wealthy districts, along with neighbouring Döbling and Hietzing. Konstantin lives there now, you can see more photos of Wahring in the day when we visited him, and also Türkenschanz Park belongs to there.
Architecture of Semmering is cute and organic to the landscape. Mini-collection of photos here is quite random, because the real pride of Semmering is not houses but the 42 km long Semmering Railway. It climbs through alpine pass, at an elevation of 2,930 feet (898 meters), between Gloggnitz and Mürzzuschlag in southeastern Austria. Designed in 1843 and built between 1848-54, it is still in use. Awsome!
Panhans Grand Hotel (on the photos above) was opened in 1888 by Vinzenz Panhans - the name of hotel comes from family-name of this Vinzenz, who, it said, was the legendary personality. Then the Viennese society discovers the Semmering. The train journey along steep rock faces, over staggering viaducts and galleries to the luxurious hotels becomes a spectacular experience. Oskar Kokoschka, Karl Kraus, Adolf Loos, Stefan Zweig and many others find their artistic inspirations in Semmering... etc.
You can see more of Semmering in my post from summer 2012.
A picturesque spa town in Upper Austria.
Windows from Schallaburg Renaissance Castle in Lower Austria. Click here to see more of Schallaburg.
Nice town near the lake that pretends to be a place for vacation. Actually Gmunden is quite industrial, but still pretty. You may see more then doors & windows here.
I came there for the castle, but suddenly not the castle's windows were my favorite ones.
Posted by vanessa 04:39 Archived in Austria Tagged vienna doors windows bear wien doors_and_windows 2012 semmering laxenburg
each and every door/window etc look as unique piece of art...old , clean europe :-)
by danabby